Created by @NutellaPancakes from Toxic Roleplayers of PC/Europe, the list of abilities affected by the relevant Warfare CP slottables can serve as a guide for improving your build!
Nefas goes over the puzzle pieces of PvE raid compositions for the Markarth DLC including itemization and classes that will be needed for optimizing raid teams.
Many patches ago, t3hasiangod reviewed the Martial Knowledge item set and designated it to be a must have support set when applicable which remains true to this day.
In this video and written post, Nefas goes over the Ice Staff changes, how tanks will decide between Lightning and Ice Staves & other minor details post-Markarth.
We'll be going over the update to Pierce Armor, one of the two morphs of Puncture, the very first Sword and Board skill in addition to it being one of the hard taunts for PvE content.
In this guide accompanied by a video, we'll be going over and comparing Roaring Opportunist, Master Architect and War Machine to see how we can get the most out of these sets.
A video lecture along with a Github link by Professor Asiangod on how ESO item sets are compared and why certain sets won't usually be "out of meta" depending on patch.
There are a total of five spammable skills one can use as a Magicka Nightblade PvE DPS. Nefas explores the various numbers and situations as we compare all of them to each other.