Unknown error during media loading

White Lion Mount

Unknown error during media loading

The description for this mount that drops as the 10th reward on the calendar reads:

In Elsweyr. the White Lion is considered a highly prestigious mount. When King Keirgo married Queen Eshita, his Orcrest Honor Guard, twenty strong, were all mounted on mature White Lions.

Jester Anglidor

Unknown error during media loading

The description for this house guest that drops as the 21st reward on the calendar reads:

This Jester's Fest performer brings all the joy and frivolity of that holiday to your home - perfect for when you wish to host a friendly gathering! After adding Jester Anglidor to your home, you can set him on a path and interact with him.

Other Rewards

Other rewards for the month of April 2022 again include a Rosin, Tempering Alloy and Dreugh Wax for the 2nd time in a row as monthly rewards with low amounts of gold sprinkled throughout as rewards possibly to combat growing ingame economic inflation.